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Cortaflex HA Regular Strength Powder 1kg ***£59.99*** COLLECT IN PERSON FOR THIS SPECIAL ONLINE DEAL !!!


Use Cortaflex to keep your horse or pony’s joints healthy throughout it’s life. Regular Cortaflex combined with Better Bones, will ensure a sound joint and bone structure for both young and old animals.

908g TUB.

SKU: EUR365 Categories: ,


Equine America Cortaflex HA Regular Powder

  • Fortified with Hyaluronic Acid, Cortaflex Powder economically and effectively supports and maintains healthy joints for each and every horse and pony throughout their life.
  • Combined with Better Bones, Cortaflex Powder will ensure a sound joint and bone structure for both young and old animals.




Additional information

Weight 1 kg

908 g

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