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Global Herbs WindGall for Horses 1kg tub ***£41.99*** COLLECT IN PERSON FOR THIS SPECIAL ONLINE DEAL !!!


Global Herbs WindGall 1kg tub

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SKU: EUR461 Categories: ,


Global Herbs WindGall is a traditional formula designed to help with Windgalls, which every horse has to some extent. It is the area around the fetlock where joint and tendon fluid creates a soft area under the skin. The fluid that is in this soft area provides nutrition and lubrication to the underlying areas, so all the parts of the joints and tendons slide against each other easily.
Global Herbs WindGall is designed to provide all the nutrition that specific parts of the body need to remain in good condition and trouble free. You can feed the formula over prolonged periods or just for a month or two if you have specific concerns at a particular time.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg


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