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S.A.F Turkey Finisher Pellets 25kg ***£9.99*** COLLECT IN PERSON FOR THIS SPECIAL ONLINE DEAL !!!


Turkey Finisher Oil 3 % , Prot 16.5 %, Fibre 3.7 %, Ash 5.2 %
wheat,wheatfeed, *hipro soya, mineral and vitamin supplement, di calcium phosphate, soya oil, sodium

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SKU: EUR730 Categories: ,


Poultry Feeds
Our Poultry Feeds are a highly palatable feed for poultry specially formulated to meet the need for a general, all-purpose diet which can be fed to flocks of mixed ages under any management system. Our feeds are well balanced feeds designed for poultry being raised more naturally such as those kept in free range.

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Weight 25 kg
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