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Dengie-Hi-Fi Good Do-er 20kg ***£18.99*** COLLECT IN PERSON FOR THIS SPECIAL ONLINE DEAL !!!


A high-fibre maintenance feed for leisure horses and ponies with added vitamins and minerals.

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SKU: EUR153 Categories: ,


A high-fibre maintenance feed for leisure horses and ponies with added vitamins and minerals.
Key Features
Hi-Fi Good Do-er is a blend of alfalfa and quality soft straw, lightly coated with molasses and spearmint oil
Hi-Fi Good Do-er is an easy to feed, high-fibre feed containing nutrients that those on restricted grass and forage intake might be missing out on
Ideal for overweight horses and ponies or those that maintain their weight easily
Includes natural spearmint oil to tempt fussy eaters
Hi-Fi Good Do-er can be used as a total or partial hay replacer ? simply replace the weight of hay with the same weight of Hi-Fi Good Do-er or feed ad-lib
How To Get The Most Out Of Feeding With Dengie Hi-Fi Good Do-er
Hi-Fi Good Do-er can be fed on its own as the bucket feed for horses and ponies undertaking a weight loss programme or to replace part of the hay ration. If using as a hay replacer, Hi-Fi Good Do-er can be fed in large tub trugs or similar.

Additional information

Weight 20 kg
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