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Honeychop Plus Herbs 12.5kg ***£9.99*** COLLECT IN PERSON FOR THIS SPECIAL ONLINE DEAL !!!


Honeychop Plus Herbs is an oat straw chaff with a wonderful aroma that is highly nutritious and extremely palatable, perfect for your fussy feeder.

SKU: EUR163 Categories: ,


Honeychop Plus Herbs is an oat straw chaff with a wonderful aroma that is highly nutritious and extremely palatable, perfect for your fussy feeder.
Made with only the finest Conservation Grade high fibre oat straw with a low sugar dressing
Contains thyme, oregano, mint and sage, which are all herbs known for their therapeutic properties to horses and ponies.
Salt and Limestone flour have been added for healthy growth and strong bones, teeth and hooves
Keeps your horse occupied for longer
We only use sun dried oat straw and never desiccate our crops

Additional information

Weight 12.5 kg


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