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Burgess Excel Feeding Hay 100% Timothy Hay 1kg ***£6.99*** COLLECT IN PERSON FOR THIS SPECIAL ONLINE DEAL !!!


A delicious, complementary food made from barn-dried grass harvested straight from the field.

Burgess Excel Dried Fresh Grass is an excellent source of good quality, long fibre.

SKU: EUR559 Category:


Burgess  –  Excel Timothy Feeding Hay


A delicious, complementary food made from barn-dried grass harvested straight from the field.

Burgess Excel Dried Fresh Grass is an excellent source of good quality, long fiber.


100% natural ingredients
High in Beneficial Fibre (55%)
High in Crude Fibre (28.5%)
A source of good quality, long fibre
Barn dried and dust extracted to prevent respiratory problems

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
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