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Plastic Hook Over Feed Manger ***£9.99*** COLLECT IN PERSON FOR THIS SPECIAL ONLINE DEAL !!!


Handy feed trough for quick hanging in the stable or in the horsebox!

SKU: EUR127 Categories: ,

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Portable horse feed trough for hanging .
Handy feed trough for quick hanging in the stable or in the horsebox!
The portable horse feed trough is handy for using on the road, in the stable etc. Thanks to the two metal brackets, you can quickly and easily attach the trough to the stable door or to the bar in the horsebox. It is suitable for areas where no solid feed or water trough can be installed, eg in a horsebox or with an animal in the stable which tends to break troughs. The trough is easy to mount anywhere, and can be used for water, storing carrots, apples or small portions of raw food etc. The practical handle ensures a comfortable and easy grip.

Additional information

Weight 5 kg

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