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SUPA Dried Mealworms 500ml Tub ***£3.99*** COLLECT IN PERSON FOR THIS SPECIAL ONLINE DEAL !!!


Supa Dried Mealworms

Supa Dried Mealworms are a 100% natural highly nutritious protein rich treat for Wild Birds that will attract birds to your garden all year round.

The Dried Mealworms come in a handy plastic tub that has a re-sealable lid, which avoids waste & mess and keeps the feed fresh.

Supa Dried Mealworms are perfect for those people who do not wish to handle live mealworms. All the goodness without the “squeamish” factor.






SKU: EUR637 Category:


Supa Dried Mealworms

Supa Dried Mealworms are a 100% natural highly nutritious protein rich treat for Wild Birds that will attract birds to your garden all year round.

The Dried Mealworms come in a handy plastic tub that has a re-sealable lid, which avoids waste & mess and keeps the feed fresh.

Supa Dried Mealworms are perfect for those people who do not wish to handle live mealworms. All the goodness without the “squeamish” factor.

Dried Mealowrms

What are Dried Mealworms?

Mealworms are the larval form of the mealworm beetle, which has the scientific name Tenebrio molitor.

Why are mealworms a good bird food source?

Mealworms are not only a rich source of protein they provide many of the nutrients a bird requires.

A typically analysis of the food is:

Crude Protein 63%

Crude Oils & Fat 22%

Crude Fibre 4%

Crude Ash 3%


When should you feed Dried Mealworms to Wild Birds?

Birds adore Dried Mealworms as they provide a valuable and nutritious source of food. Mealworms are a favourite of garden birds all year round, though they are particularly popular in winter and summer when their energy requirements increase.

In summer wild birds are very active buildings nest & raising their young and in winter they need nutritious food to stay warm, Dried Mealworms provide the ideal food to give the birds at this time.

Many wild birds eat insects as part of their natural diet, so feeding Dried Mealworms mimics this behaviour.

Dried Mealworms can be fed as a treat or can be mixed in with other seed or suet pellets. Also if required you can soak the Dried Mealworms in water for 15 to 20 minutes to re-hydrate them, which will make them easier for the birds to digest. This is particularly useful for young birds and fledglings.

Mealworm Feeder

How should you feed Dried Mealworms to Wild Birds?

Dried Mealworms can be sprinkled straight onto the floor so birds can forage for them or be fed from a tray on a feeding station. Also Supa manufacture in the UK a feeder specifically for Dried Mealworms.

What birds eat mealworms?

The type of birds that will be attracted to feed on the Dried Mealworms are:


  • Robins, Starlings, Thrushes, Wrens, Dunnocks, Jays
  • Blackbirds, BlueTits,Woodpeckers, House Sparrows


Plus many more varieties of birds.

Where do Dried Mealworms come from?

Our Dried Mealworms are imported from the Far East as there is not a suitable source of supply in the UK or Europe. We have worked with our factory for many years and they possess all the relevant quality certificates and have passed many external audits which ensures the quality of product they supply to us is a consistent high quality product.

Harrogate Pet & Aquatic Show 1961

Who Are We?

Supa has been in business since 1949, so has over 70 years of experience in the pet & aquatic trade.

A vast wealth of knowledge and contacts has been built over the years which has allowed us to bring excellent products to market.

What we do every day is more than business, we are passionate about ensuring all our product portfolio meets the needs of our customers in terms of the quality & value for money we provide.

We see pets and wildlife as a natural extension of the family, hence our desire to provide nothing but the best for them.

Our company motto is “Traditional Values · New Horizons” which reflect our values of providing traditional service while ensuring that our business must continually evolve to meet the changing needs of people and their pets.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg

500 mL

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